Project description

Group Adonis appointed Pratico Média to create content highlighting its catering service.

With the help of our on-site multidisciplinary team of marketing consultants, chefs, food stylists and photographers, we were able to produce such content within our own facilities. What’s more, a chef from Adonis’ team joined us in our studio to ensure the dishes’ presentation was as authentic as possible.

Adonis wished to create an image library reflecting its brand that could be used for its catering service on its website and social media, and to illustrate its catering menu.

To ensure the photos represented a wide variety of events for which Adonis’ customers might use its catering service, the marketing consultant and food stylist created tables with four different themes: summer BBQ, Ramadan, everyday table, and Christmas. These themes provided photos Adonis can use throughout the year.

We are convinced that with these new photos, Adonis will make its customers hungry!

Project details

Type of campaign:

  • Content creation


  • Position or re-position the brand
  • Increase visibility

Project Manager:
Andréanne Fallu