Project description

Our partner Cozey wanted to increase its visibility with attentive and engaged consumers via a feature in Je décore – Maison 100% organisée. We published a two-page article in the magazine featuring turnkey content created by our writing, editing and graphic design team.

The article reached an audience of over 90,000 readers. To reach online readers, we also posted the article on the Je décore website with a clickable logo that leads to the Cozey website. The article was online for a year. A sponsored post on Facebook and an Instagram post were also made from the Je décore social media accounts. Lastly, Cozey acquired the web licence for the article for use on its website and social media channels.

Project details

Type of campaign:

  • Content creation
  • Distribution and media placement


  • Increase visibility
  • Increase engagement
  • Maximize conversion

Project manager:
Julie Faucher-Bourgault